Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Capa, Emma, Salgado


Robert Capa: SPAIN 1937

This photo captures the faces of many individuals running for shelter during an air raid in Spain 1937. Robert Capa documented the emotions of the public during a war. The people in the photograph are all looking up towards the sky, where the air raid is occurring. Some men are stopped and standing watching the event unfold. The focus of the picture is the mother and daughter walking quickly away in order to stay safe. The little girl is one of the only individuals pictured that is not looking in the same direction as everyone else, highlighting children’s innocence during these rough times. Robert was considered one of the greatest combat and adventure photographer in history. Without any color, it draws the viewer into the issue shown in the picture and not distracted by the colors.

Capa, R. (1937). Magnum photos photographer portfolio. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from http://www.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_10_VForm&ERID=24KL535353

Sebastiano Salgado: Kuwait 1991

Sebastiano Salgado captured a disaster occurring in Kuwait in 1991. An oil well fire is the focus of the piece as the dramatic and highlighted smoke comes out of the ground. Two firemen stand watching the flames grow, as they attempt to put the fire out. Hoses are wrapped up everywhere, which emphasizes their several actions to keep the fire from spreading. In the distance, another fire has started and the smoke fills the whole sky. Sebastian Salgado shows the destruction caused by humans in his photography.  The choice of hiding the color and doing complete black and white emphasize the smoke even more. It draws more attention to the problems shown in the photographs.

Salgado, S. (1991). Sebastião Salgado: Kuwait (1991): Available for sale. Retrieved February 22, 2021, from https://www.artsy.net/artwork/sebastiao-salgado-kuwait-1

One thought on “Capa/Salgado

  1. Saddam Hussein’s forces set the fires to the oil wells in retaliation as they were being driven out of Kuwait. This is Salgado’s documentation of the aftermath. Be sure to make your images linkable to the media files.

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