In this image there is a gentleman, I assume is older because of his cane, arched downward walking the empty street. The buildings are very lightly colored and the man is wearing a darker suit so it makes him stand out. The focus of the image is the man as he is in the center of the screen. There is no other person or other focus in this image. My personal reaction to it is he is lonely. Although he may be enjoying his walk he has nobody to accompany him. This image gives off a lonely tone. There are some darker shadows to the left of the man and right of the man that almost frame him between the darks anOd lights. I chose this piece because it evoked an emotion in me of loneliness. None of the other images had a physical affect on me. I felt like I knew exactly why this image was captured and what Webb was trying to say with this piece. One could even argue he is trying to show that the American lifestyle is so much more busy than that of Ireland. Here we observe an Oldman on a very desolate sidewalk. There is nearly anything to look in the landscape.
Dingle, Ireland.Todd Webb,1979. Vintage gelatin silver print.Gift of George Stephanopoulos. LUAG.
The man’s posture contributes to the sense of emotion and effort that his walking conveys. Good observation of the framing by shadows.