Drypoint on paper
Gift of Robert Rosenbaum ’44
This idea exhibits the opposite definition of what “wellness” means. The LUAG Well Well Well exhibit was created to display wellness, but also the “tension [in] changing bodies: growing, confronting illness, or adapting to change”(LUAG). In this image, “The Sick Man”, by Edmund Blampied, we can see the effects of the changing body as this old man is, by definition, sickly. As a form of self care/ aid, he is very looked after by older women who are making him feel comforted by giving him a foot bath. The two women look concerned which is indicative that he is not doing well and they are caring for him. Although this image does not necessarily display typical forms of positive wellness, it exemplifies procedures to feel well.
Good reading of the exhibit message and both the resignation and the caring in this image.