Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Acolman 1

Siskind, Aaron. “Acolman 1, 1955 – Aaron Siskind.” Www.wikiart.org, Wiki Art, 1 Jan. 1970, www.wikiart.org/en/aaron-siskind/acolman-1-1955.

This image is interesting in that it brings aspects of texture, scale, and contrast to light. I find it very interesting how the photographer captured the side of this structure, making the viewer curious as to what it is. As I focused on the texture on the sides of the building we can see how the photographer captured all of the details. The arc shapes make the scale puzzling and grabs your eye. Upon first glance, I was unsure of the archways were human-sized or much larger. I guess this draws your eyes more to the contrast and how that contributes to the texture on the sides of the building. I really like this piece and I hope to learn how to capture details like these.

One thought on “Acolman 1

  1. You could also talk about the rubble on the ground, the sparse grass and the alternating thick and thin buttresses. Good observation of scale, texture and contrast.Remember tto select the image as a key image so it will appear on the front page. Also, select Siskind in your categories.

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