Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Depth of Field, Long and Short, Kenneth

Depth of Field

Robert Frank – Funeral – St Helena, South Carolina, 1955

This photograph exhibits a long depth of field of a funeral parking lot which keeps the cars from all of the funeral attendees in focus, giving the viewer of the image insight of of the amount of people that came. While the gentleman closet to the photographer is the focus of the image, the long depth of field makes it possible to view the expressions of the two men in the middle ground of the image. Frank’s choice to use long depth of field captures the emotion of the man with the white hat while not necessarily making him the subject of the photograph.

Image result for Diane Arbus couple
Diane Arbus – Couple Sitting in the Park

This photo exhibits a short depth of field by keeping only the couple sitting on the bench in focus. The park and the buildings behind them are blurry and thus, not the focus of the image. The two women are pictured sitting closely on a bench while looking into each others eyes, almost as if they aren’t even aware of Arbus’ presence. Arbus’ choice to shoot this with a short depth of field portrays the strong bond the two women have with each other by not having them look at the camera and only keeping them in focus.

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