Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Depth of Field, Long and Short, Zoe

Depth of Field

In the first shot,with the man and his girlfriend, it is evident Arbus would like a focus on the casual activities and nature of the two people. The background of what looks to be trees and a path are blurred out and there is a focus on the two people and their food. It also showcases, without the caption, that they are a couple because of the body language which is also prominent due to the short depth of field choice by the artist.

In the second image, which is long depth of field, there is a larger focus on the television screen and you can see the darker shades less exaggerated. The dark repeated forms of the chairs almost blurs everything in the image creating just a dark background. The white screen of the theatre are highlighted for this reason. This was a practical choice in creating long depth of field or else there would be less of a highlight on the screen without some context of the background.

In the first image, short depth of field, we see a highlight of an object which is the focus of the image; in this case the shadow figure of a young girl. Although it is hard to see features of the girl, the dark shade because of lighting creates a focus on her and not the background.

In the second image, long depth of field, the background is more evident and highlighted than one prominent object. There is a slight drawing of the eye towards the colorful part of door, however, because there is 3 areas of focus making this long depth of field.

In the first image, short depth of field, the background is not entirely clear as there is only a focus on the individuals and their actions in the image. The distressing face on the woman and lackadaisical nature of the man are highlighted through this photography choice.

In the second image, long depth of field, the background is very clear. Centered in the image, but far away, is three individuals. The dark doors on both sides of these men also creates a decent amount of focus on the people. One could also presume the shop’s sign is part of the long depth of field as it is prominent but from an angle.

In the first image, short depth of field, there is a highlight on the man in the hat closest to the lens. The background appears blurred. There is a large highlight on him and the action of holding his hand to his mouth in this image.

In the second image, the whole background is prominent but there is a highlight on the two men because they are shown in darker color. The background is almost setting up the focus of the two men.

One thought on “Depth of Field

  1. You chose eight shots! Your best pair may be Walker Evans. His long depth of field has everything in the shot all the way to the background sharply focused. Long depth of field isn’t just the most distant object – it usually includes the foreground too.

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