Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Stonewalled in Jerusalem by Sarah Friedlanger
Lucy, Social Justice

Social Justice – Lucy Tesman

Stonewalled in Jerusalem by Sarah Friedlanger
Stonewalled in Jerusalem by Sarah Friedlanger

Stonewalled in Jerusalem is a photograph series in which Sarah Friedlanger attempts to represent the pain and suffering of both Palestine and Israel. Using her photographs of Israel from her travels, she superimposes photographs of turmoil, starving men, women, and children, homeless families, destroyed cities, and more. By doing this, she is powerfully communicating the concept of Israel that many Jewish-American’s, like herself and myself, share but sometimes do not discuss or acknowledge; that while Israel is a beautiful country and the “holy land” of the jewish people, Israel and Palestine are both guilty of literal war crimes. She brings the tragedy into the beauty of Israel by combining the photographs, forcing the viewer to acknowledge both sides, the good and the bad and I think she does it very successfully!

Pleasant, Amy. “Artists as Activists: Pursuing Social Justice.” HuffPost, HuffPost, 7 Dec. 2017, www.huffpost.com/entry/artists-as-activists-purs_b_11783614. 

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