Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Social Justice, Taohan

Social Justice – Modern Slavery


Lisa Kristine is an internationally recognized photographer, humanitarian, activist. She has documented indigenous cultures and social problems in more than 150 countries for more than 30 years. Lisa’s work has been shown in exhibitions in museums in various countries, including an exhibition on human trafficking that was inaugurated by Pope Francis at the Vatican in 2019. One of her main focus in social causes is modern slavery. Started in 2009, she has been capturing breathtaking images of slavery all over the world to document and disclose the dark to greater public.

In this image, the boy, Kofi is one of the thousands of slaveries in the fishing villages on Lake Volta in Ghana. He was enslaved at a very young age and rescued to the shelter around four (now reunited with his family). The highlight of this photography in the eyes of Kofi. While he should have still been a young and naive boy at the age of four, his crystal-clear eyes are telling stories beyond his age about what he had suffered. His face is missing the happiness that a kid should have. He is upset, anxious, and afraid. Maybe is the camera or is the photographer, Lisa, he fears that the thing he is seeing may change his life again in an unforeseeable direction. This image is touching.

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