Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Controversial Photography and Photoshop Tutorial

Photographs from Sally Mann’s “Family Pictures”

These photos from Sarah Mann’s exhibition “Family Pictures” pose controversy due to their display of family perfection. The term “family pictures” usually comes with the connotation of matching sweaters and fresh haircuts. When one looks at a family photo it is normally the best versions of each member all lined up in order. Mann’s exhibition is controversial due to its depictions of the raw reality of family life. The children are grumpy and naked. They are not pictured with wide smiles and bright colors. These pictures give the idea that maybe these children are not happy- and maybe children don’t have to be. Among other photos of men and women in bed and a mother holding her boy on her lap, I chose these photos because I also thought they posed controversy about child vulnerability. Mann often photographs these children alone- looking scared, content, and bored. I think that Mann’s goals with these photos is to normalize childhood and family feelings in hopes that photographs will not always capture a perfect exterior.

Photoshop Tutorial

This tutorial was very informational for me because it was a nice review of what I had learned in high school photography class. I really like to collage my photos together to make cool designs and this video gives a nice explanation of the masking tools. It also shows how to make clean and nice cuts between images which is beneficial in graphic design.

“How to Cut Out ANYTHING in Photoshop [SELECT and MASK …” Youtube, Photoshop Training Channel, 28 Sept. 2018, www.youtube.com/watch?v=0qcWeuWCkJ4.

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