Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Claire, Social Justice

Vanessa Charlot- Social Justice Photographer

Vanessa Charlot: St. Louis Protest: Resistance

Vanessa Charlot is a documentary photographer who works primarily in black and white and centers most of her work around socioeconomic disparity, intersectionality, and sexual and gender expression. The photo above is from the Black Lives Matter Protests (2020) in St. Louis. All the photos on her website from the St. Louis protest were extremely powerful because even though many of the subjects were wearing masks you could see the emotion in many of the peoples eyes and their body language which really helped convey the importance and seriousness of the situation. I liked this photo in particular because even though this boy is young the way in which he is standing in the center of the image with no clear parent around supervising him and the way in which he holds his sign and stares right into the camera gives me the sense that despite his young age he knows what is going on and knows there needs to be a change. Additionally, I believe the deep depth of field allows the viewer to see the other signs and people protesting in the back which helps the viewer understand how big of a movement this was/is and the overall magnitude of the situation. Finally, I like how the photographer lowered her camera to be more in line with the boys height. I think if this same picture was taken from above that could have minimized the boy and not given off the same powerful effect. By lowering down to the boys height it gives him a sense of authority and power despite being so little.


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