Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Controversy, Emma

Mann Controversial

Sally Mann- Family Pictures

Mann, S. (1989). Retrieved February 17, 2021, from https://www.sallymann.com/new-gallery-1

This piece shows two young boys laying down on the ground. Their arms are linked and hands almost clasped together. The boys are both wearing striped shirts and seem to be siblings. The boy on the right has a bloody nose that is filling his mouth and dripping down his chin onto his open-button shirt. The boy on the left seems perfectly fine but as a confused expression on his face as he glances at the camera.

One side of the controversy argument could be that the picture shows a child injured. He is clearly in pain as his nose is bleeding all over the place. Their arms tangled together show their love for each other and representing their connection. Maybe the child on the left gravitates toward the one on the right for support. People looking at this picture are not given the information of who created the nose bleed, leaving people guessing. The photographer is taking a picture from the situation instead of maybe helping the hurt child.

The other side of the controversy could be the idea that it is just a picture of two kids and one has a nose bleed. Children are reckless anyways so it is inevitable for one to be hurt. They both look young anyways and they do not seem to have any other injuries besides the single nose bleed.

One thought on “Mann Controversial

  1. The issue that seems to be raised most often with Sally Mann is whether or not her shots of children are exploitative and you address that to some extent here.

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