Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
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Building C
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Olivia, Photoshop Tutorial

Photoshop Tutorial

This photoshop tutorial video starts by explaining the different features there are when opening a file such as lightroom photos and cloud documents as options to open a file. They show how you can open several documents at once by showing the different tabs you can have on the top. They start with choosing a photo and then they layer that photo. The instructor goes through the jobs of the tools on the left and how they can be used in editing a photo. Key point is that you can right click on the tool to see all of the available options for that one tool. He then goes over how you can adjust each tool with options on the top after selecting a tool. You can decide how big or strong you want the tool to be when using it on the photo. He goes through how to use each brush tool and what it does with the pixels in the photograph. He shows how you can undo your action by pressing command Z or use the history window to undo or redo multiple actions made. There is also an eraser tool that can be used. You can create text or shapes onto the photograph by clicking and dragging on the preview. You can edit the text or shape with the options tab. He then shows how you can use tools on text or shapes chosen that are on the picture. He shows how to use the eye button on the layer window to either show or hide elements of the photograph. He shows how you can click and slide any layer to overlap. He shows how you can right click on any layer and go to blending options to apply different elements to the photograph. He explains how to use the selection tool and lasso tool when selecting a region. He explains how you can use the adjustment tab above the layers and all of its features. He shows how you can select a region and just adjust that selection by double clicking on the layer mask. He then concludes the tutorial by explaining how to save the file and the different locations you can save to on your computer. This tutorial taught me the basic features and options that photoshop has including the tools on the left and the selections on the right and how to successfully edit and save a photograph. 

“Photoshop 2020-Tutorial for Beginners in 13 Minutes.” Youtube, Skills Factory, 20 Nov, 2019, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=No8dH1mLVu0

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