Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

LUAG Street Photography, Olivia

Street Photograph LUAG Collection

Levinstein, Leon. Man in Suit, Woman in a Fur Coat, New York. LUAG Collection, 1954. https://luag.lehigh.edu/exhibitions/taking-it-streets-street-photography-luag-collection

This black and white photograph captures a man and a woman dressed in fancy clothing looking to the left from an upward angle. The man is wearing a suit with a coat and hat. We can tell that the suit fits a little small on the man depicted due to the way the texture of the suit is seen. The first button is buttoned and then the second is unbuttoned which creates movement in the suit around the body of the man. We can also assume that the man is a little overweight in the stomach area from the angle the photograph is taken. He has a serious look on his face as he looks to the left with intensity and some confusion. We can only see the side of his face and then the rest is a dark shadow. The woman is seen in a luxurious fur coat, holding a purse. The texture of the fur is visible in this photo due to the movement of the shadows adding dimension to the coat. Although we have no idea of knowing how nice of a coat the woman is wearing, we can assume that, during this time, it is an expensive coat. In 1954 in New York, it was obvious as to who had money and who did not by the way they presented themselves. In this case, the couple is presenting themselves very well, being in expensive and formal looking clothes standing with an expression of power. We can only see part of the woman’s nose and eye because most of her face is being covered by the coat. This makes the viewer really center in on the details of the clothing, particularly, the fur coat. It looks as though the woman is wearing a head accessory that looks like leaves. Her face is also turned to the side in the same direction of the man. The two figures are the subject of the photo due to the fact that they take up most of the frame. The way in which the photograph is taken is the reason for why this photograph is so interesting. It’s as if the camera is by the subjects feet taking the photo at an upward angle looking at the subjects from the bottom up. This angle creates a very powerful and interesting composition that is juxtaposed with the direction of their faces. I really like this point of view because we get to see the details of the clothing but also of the expressions from a different, yet powerful, angle. I think the angle makes the two seem more expensive, elegant and exclusive. I like how the brick wall is only in the upper left side of the photo contrasting with the subjects. I personally love fashion, so this photo caught my attention right away by the way the clothes are depicted in this photograph. The clothes are the center of attention in this photograph which allows for the viewer to connect with the subject in a very cool way. The composition allows for the clothes to be exaggerated in texture and color against the stern expressions of the people. We are told a story from an interesting perspective on very bold subjects that reflect a glimpse of humanity on the streets of New York. 

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