Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Lucy, Sculptures

Sculpture Images

Mary-Ann Unger, American (1939 -1999)
The Temple, 1987 Channel Mixing – Short DOF
Mary-Ann Unger, American (1939 -1999)
The Temple, 1987 Split Tone – DOF
Mary-Ann Unger, American (1939 -1999) The Temple, 1987 Hue/Saturation – textbook
Mary-Ann Unger, American (1939 -1999)
The Temple, 1987 Duo Tone – Unusual Viewpoint
Mary-Ann Unger, American (1939 -1999)
The Temple, 1987 Gradient Map – Interesting DOF

One thought on “Sculpture Images

  1. The “interesting DOF” and the sunlight coming through the Temple are really effective shots. I also think your choice of split tone works well for the Packer Chapel wide view. Now that the snow has melted it would be worthwhile to revisit the Pyramid.

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