Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Greg, Street Photography, Uncategorized

Street Photography

Shot 1:

This photo was captured on 4th street. I liked the reflection. Edited in photoshop in order to remove wires.

Shot 2:

Captured to display the ominous feelings of the Covid Pandemic.

Shot 3:

Captured on 4th street. Liked the framing of the woman and the sign for takeout.

Shot 4:

Shot From My apartment window. I used photoshop to take some color out of the background and pull focus to the individuals. I liked the way they were wearing masks, but on their chins and standing 6ft apart.

Shot 5:

Also from my apartment. Enjoyed the expressions of disbelief on their faces. Felt it captured covid well.

5 thoughts on “Street Photography

  1. This is an interesting take on the project. I really like the conversation between the three men. You can see they are slightly spread apart with their masks pulled down. The variation between people on the streets and the actual streets themselves is a good mix.

  2. I really like the composition of the first image with the men talking in a circle. It is interesting that they are socially distanced but have their masks pulled down. Those actions almost counteract each other. It also shows that although we are living in a pandemic, we can still socialize with people.

  3. I really enjoyed the personal feel of your photos. You can feel the energy of the people in your shot and the atmosphere around the. I also enjoyed your edits, I believe they enhance your street photography.

  4. I really like how you toned down the colors in the Subway photo. It really encaptures the bleakness of the pandemic, and the person in the forefront is framed very well with the traffic post and the bus sign.

  5. The trio of men is most interesting where the one in the khaki jacket has his feet in the frame. They really seem engaged together. Remember to caption your images and make your images linkable to the Media files so we can enlarge them.

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