Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Rachael, Street Photography

Street Photography

I took this shot on the corner of W Fourth Street and Brodhead Ave. in south Bethlehem. I wanted to get a different angle of the street lights and achieved this by facing my camera towards the ground and blind shooting. I also wanted to contrast the man made street light with the nature of the tree branches.

This image was taken in south Bethlehem as well. I ironically took this photo while on a walk with a friend while I was talking about how I was missing home. I think the painted plant holders around Bethlehem show a sense of community that I wanted to capture.

This image was taken on campus. Since the assignment focused on COVID-19, I thought this image was appropriate. COVID-19 initially shut down all construction work. The new construction work is physical proof of how far we have come with the pandemic and how we are slowly beginning to recover as a society.

3 thoughts on “Street Photography

  1. I really like the first picture of the tree weaving itself into the street lights. The vibrant sky is also great to contrast the dark tree and street lights. The tree is so crisp and I like how it has no leaves, almost portraying the lack of life on the streets during COVID.

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