Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Kenneth, Street Photography

Street Photography

I wanted to try to capture how abandoned the streets in my town have been since covid started through this assignment. The train stations and the sidewalks at night are especially barren nowadays so I tried to avoid having any people in my shots. Additionally, the lighting in my town is very warm, which I really enjoyed trying to capture in various settings.

For the first shot, I tried to capture all of the diagonal lines I noticed throughout the train station that lead into the exit. For Subway Entrance, I just liked the glow that the stair lights created on the sidewalk that is almost pitch black. I shot cross walk on my roof when I noticed how little people there were outside during the day so I tried to convey that by only capturing one person in the shot. For Flowershop, again I really just liked the warm lighting made by the store front and the glow it gave to the car parked in front of it.

3 thoughts on “Street Photography

  1. In all of your photos there is a connection between all of them one of them being the yellow light that blends very well with the dark background which gives it a movie feel.

  2. The lone person on the crosswalk is a really strong composition – the lighting is really powerful and the diagonals in the painted lines are balanced well by the shadows. The warm lighting in your night shots is also balanced with strong geometry. Well done.

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