Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Street Photography, Victoria

Street Photography Photos

All of these photos were taken in the downtown area of the town I live in. The first photo “Boy with Ice Cream” is the entrance to a small park in the middle of the downtown area. The “Busker at Corner” photo is to depict the emptiness of the streets during the pandemic with the for rent sign and the busker playing his flute with no one to hear. “Purple Window on the Street” is actually a divider outside of a restaurant used to space out outdoor seating for the restaurant.

3 thoughts on “Street Photography Photos

  1. I love the variation between close up and far away shots. The reflection within the purple door showing the street outside is an very interesting take on the street photography project.

  2. I love the variation between close up and far away shots. The reflection within the purple door showing the street outside is a good way to show the surrounding area in a unique way.

  3. I really like the second photo because the man is playing the flute, but there is no one there to listen, I feel like this is a common theme throughout the covid pandemic and this photograph does a really nice job of capturing this.

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