Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Olivia, Tableau


Competition, Wang Qingsong, 2004

Chinese painter and photographer, Wang Qingsong addresses the rapidly changing society of China through his large photographs. Through this piece, Competition, he depicts the spread of Western consumerism by the way in which he is seen holding a microphone surrounded by a city hall covered in advertisements for brands such as Starbucks and Citibank. He drew from his own memories of the Cultural Revolution when all of China was covered in posters put up by the Red Guard factions. Wang created every single 600 piece of paper or mock advertising posters on the walls by hand. This overwhelming photograph documents Wang’s perception of the Cultural Revolution in regards to the way in which society has changed due to Western Consumerism. He wants to show the parallels between the Cultural Revolution and Western consumerism and how they both show the way in which society is controlled by higher powers. 


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