Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Claire, Doing Democracy

Doing Democracy

This image from Leonard Freed, portrays an anti war protest taking place in front of the capital building in Washington DC. There are clearly many people attending this protest and you can even see one “peace” sign being help up in the crowd and a few other signs in the distance. The long depth of field allows the viewers to see as many people as possible and the details of the capital building which I think add to the photo because it shows the true number of people that attended this protest. This photo is significant because it shows a peaceful anti Vietnam War protest with a significant number of participants. The photographer clearly had to get up on something tall to take this picture to show the true magnitude of the event. I think this helps the viewer understand how important of an issue this was at the time because it is clear the number of people invested in this protest and the number of people who wanted the war to end.

Leonard Freed, American, 1929 – 2006. (1971). View of Demonstrators in front of United States Capitol Building…. [Photograph]. Retrieved from https://library.artstor.org/asset/28671377

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