Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Civil Rights, Zoe

Civil Rights

This image captured the spirit and emotions of those who were fighting for equality in the Civil Rights movement. As mentioned in the caption, this was a group of civil right demonstrators who were marching with Martin Luther King Jr. in hopes to dismantle African American suffrage. The white faceprint with the darker letters that spell out vote are very telling in this image. These men all do not have happy, smiling faces on, rather some hold stern eye contact with the camera. The pain and deep meaning this movement had on these individuals are shown within the context of their expressions. Although the man in the front is not staring at the camera, the blank expression on his face suggests he is feeling the same as the men who stand behind him. This image is also successful in exemplifying what it meant to be a part of this movement because you can see several lines of people lined up next to one another. This was a cause that meant a lot to a large amount of people. The man staring straight into the camera to the right of the closest man is holding the American flag. This sentiment is extremely significant in that they want to be treated as every other American and want to be proud of their country rather than discriminated against. That visual with the American flag furthers this narrative.

Magnum Photos Blog, pro.magnumphotos.com/C.aspx?VP3=CMS3&VF=MAGO31_4&VBID=24PVHKKA2L9HD&IID=2K1HRGPD1IXK&PN=2. 

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