Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Claire, Jerry Uelsmann and Maggie Taylor

Jerry and Maggie, This is not Photography

Jerry Uelsmann created this image by using multiple negatives of images he takes and combining them in the darkroom. Uelsmann uses multiple enlargers, each with a different negative and using the same photo paper he exposes the same photo paper to each negative so the images pile on top of each other, creating something like the image seen above. This technique creates seemingly surreal images that make the viewer really take time when looking at the image to be able to truly take in all the layers and components. In the image above we see the sky coming into the bedroom.

Uelsmann, Jerry: Untitled [Cloud Room]. 1975. Retrieved from: http://www.artnet.com/artists/jerry-uelsmann/untitled-cloud-room-1975-1VsiQuvP8-7xwDd-oWRBIA2

Maggie Taylor began her career focusing on still life, but recently she has been using adobe photoshop or other digital editing platforms. Taylor takes digital images and scans them to her computer and then layers and moves the various images parts around until she finds something she likes.

Taylor, Maggie. Small Boat Waiting. 2012. Retrieved from: https://www.westongallery.com/original-works-by/maggie-taylor

One thought on “Jerry and Maggie, This is not Photography

  1. This may be one of the least surreal images by Maggie Taylor that I have seen but I’m sure it was composited. Good descriptions of their different proceesses.

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