Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Greenfield or Mark, Kerem

Ward 81

Mark depicted all different kinds of emotions, feelings, and behaviors at the Oregon State Hospital Mental Institution and some of them like these one we may feel some sort of way when viewing the girl dancing with the man. When I view this image I see someone who has so much emotion stuck inside of them and usually they would act out in a certain way but in the moment, while she is dancing with this man, she has an instance of calm and collect feeling, which may be something that she has trouble with. Mark captured this moment spectacularly and she describes some of the people she captured as passionate. Maybe this girl really enjoys the feeling of love and she feels very happy in the moment. Again, it’s hard to tell with the neutral look she has on her face. This is just a single example of many others where Mark succeeds in presenting the emotions that the people in this institution are feeling.

One thought on “Ward 81

  1. Apart from the sense of respite and stillness it is difficult to know what underlying emotions are present, but that is what makes this series so strong.

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