Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Motion of Light in Water, Olivia

Motion of Light in Water

This image was taken by Lou Stoumen during the years of 1917-1991 in America. The title of this image is “Couple Swimming in Nude,” presented in a gelatin silver print. This image depicts a man and woman swimming in a body of water fully naked. We see the back of the woman’s head as well as her back, butt and legs. Her arm is extended out and her hand is grasping the man’s chin. We then see the man with his eyes closed laying on his back floating in the water with one arm extended up. We can only see the top of his torso as the rest is cut off on the left. Both their bodies are immersed in the water. We can see the texture of the water as well as the light that shines at it. There is a lot of motion seen in the water through the different light shades and the body movements. The way in which the sun reflects off the waters surface allows for motion to be visible. The motion of the water is also captured in how it reflects off the bodies of the people depicted. Their every movement is reflected in the water and can be visibly seen by the lights reflection on the surface. The woman’s arm coming out of the water is causing motion in the water. The water allows for these two to have an intimate moment while submerged in a clear body of water. The black and white color creates a powerful story and allows for the water to be seen in a cool perspective. I just really liked how the two people are conveying a lot of emotion within a body of water.

Lou Stoumen
American, 1917 – 1991
Couple Swimming in Nude, n.d.
Gelatin silver print
14 x 11“
Gift of George Stephanopoulos

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