Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015


Portrait Photography

I chose this portrait because I really like the way it looks and I think the composition is very interesting. I have a particular liking for bright colored photographs and art work. The focal points in this photo, such as the hair, silk dress and table cloth, are shiny and illuminated and I think that adds consistency and makes the photo cohesive. My favorite part of the photo is the woman’s hair because it is very pristine and perfect looking and goes well with the “barbie” look of the photo. I also think it is easy to just focus on the woman as the main part of this photo, but when looking further you can see the arm and head of a man and it leaves you wondering what the story behind it is. Is she watching something with him? Trying to get his attention? Passing him the cigarette? I love photos that tell a story and I think this photo does that well.

One thought on “Portrait Photography

  1. This photograph is like fashion photography, only it has painterly qualities along with the “barbie” look you describe. Good observations.

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