Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Claire, Film Photographers

Henri Cartier Bresson, Film Photography

This photo from Henri Cartier Bresson show a man through a window with the reflection of what looks like New York City in the background along with two other people. I really like this picture for a few reasons. First I think the mans expression seems very genuine and candid and although you can’t tell where his eyes are looking he doesn’t seem to be trying to pose for the camera he looks genuinely happy and as thought he is enjoying his boat ride. Also I think the use of reflections is really interesting because it’s almost hard to tell which of the subjects in this photo are reflections and which aren’t which really makes the viewer spend time trying to look more intently at this photo to try to figure it out. I also like how clearly the window frames the man. All of these techniques Cartier used, capturing candid expressions, using reflections, and using framing techniques can be applied to digital photography and can be used to enhance any image not just film photos.

Bresson, Henri-Cartier. Man in Window. 1960. Retrieved from: https://www.artsy.net/artwork/henri-cartier-bresson-man-in-window

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