Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

3 thoughts on “Book

  1. The orange cake styling, placement and shot are really well done! Other strong images include the cover, the first blue cake, the sprinkles and the cupcake with fruit. The next step would be better lighting on your backgrounds.

  2. I really like all of your shots! I especially like the ones that include some motion (the pouring syrup one or the one with the fingers sprinkling sugar). All the desserts looked really good on their own but you also used a lot of cool photographic techniques to make them look even better! I especially liked the short depth of field in the sprinkle one and I liked how colorful all of them were, especially the orange one!

  3. I like how well organized the photos are like how you had the cake on two pages next to each other also I like how all of the photos have a simple white background so the viewer can understand what they’re supposed to look at. But I do have to say I am kind of jealous because you were able to show two types of arts one for being culinary and other in photography.

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