Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

3 thoughts on “Covid Shutdown

  1. Try to relink your graphics on this page with the media library and be sure that they are jpegs. I really think the spread with the mask on the yellow line next to the empty building of the same color is effective. The mask dispensaries are also a strong addition and the barber shots are well executed.

  2. I love the dark and gloomy aspects of all your piece which emphasize the whole concept of the book. The blue masks in most of the pieces add a touch of color to the shots.

  3. I really like the theme and I specifically liked the photos of the masks on the ground. I think every picture sends a pretty clear message and the way you used darker tones in most of the photos match the style of “cover shutdown” really well!

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