Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Kenneth, Tilt-Shift, Miniaturized


This work by Lori Nix and Kathleen Gerber captures and abandoned science classroom that hasn’t been kept in some time. What makes the work effective is the range of detail in the figures, from the desks that are falling apart, the titled bookshelves and anatomy posters, chipping paint on the walls, and the purposefully painted layer of dust on the back of the chairs, the artists effectively portray a scene of a school that is abandoned and in decay. Likewise, the composition and the lighting of the photograph is very strong as it draws the audience’s attention to the room that is in disarray followed by the empty chairs that are not as well lit as the rest of the image but tie the idea of an abandoned place together nicely.

One thought on “Miniatures

  1. Good description of the elements that Nix and Gerber used to create the classroom environment. What general statement is being made about the world in these works?

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