Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

3 thoughts on “Montage

  1. The tape measure wrapping the image up like a package pulls the disparate self-images of the subject together, while the tape around her neck underscores how dangerous the obsession with thinness can be.

  2. I really liked this montage, especially due to the message it has after hearing your ideas behind the montage in class. I really like how you made all the subjects dissolve into the black background. I feel as though that added to the power of the image and made it more interesting. I really like how you made the tape measure wrap around the subject but also the whole image. I also liked how you did not dissolve the tape measures into the background because it makes more of a statement. Very impressive! I was confused by what is next to the girl on the top right corner, I am not sure if I just can’t make out what it is or if it is supposed to be vague. But overall, very good job!

  3. I really like your piece a lot because of the message it tells the viewer. The lower opacity for the arms over her body really emphasize the struggle women have to go through. The tape measures really add dimension to the montage as well. The black background was a good choice because it makes the three women melt into the background, but also makes them stand out.

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