Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

5 thoughts on “Final Montage

  1. I really like your idea here. I remember you saying in class that a lot of what people have been doing this past year is just sitting in their bed and I think you took a relatively simple/mundane idea and made it really complex and abstract. I like how you included two different sizes of yourself and I also like that a lot of the images are talking to each other. I think over all you did a really good job! This is really creative!

  2. I really enjoyed the concept of your montage and the fact that we have spent so much time with ourselves reflecting. I love how you used different sizes of yourself to portray different times. The lighting is uniform throughout the photo. My favorite part of the montage is the image of yourself showing yourself something on the phone. It was a very creative look on the pandemic.

  3. I really like the way you manipulated the lighting for your final montage. I recall you showing the process during the mini critique and the artificial lighting really ties the whole photo together nicely. Likewise, I think you executed the concept of the redundancy of staying in your room because of quarantine very well.

  4. The color of this image is great. I also enjoy how you position yourself differently and manage to fit all of them onto the bed coherently. Also, idea of having different sizes of yourself and having interactions between different positions are awesome. Overall, I really like your work and I think it is done very well.

  5. Your use of shadows helps to ground your figures and objects in space and give them gravity. The light and shadow gradations used in the background also strengthen the spatial illusion. The pink may have been a little heavy handed but from your statement in class I understand that you were making the neon light stronger.

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