Lehigh University
Art Architecture and Design
113 Research Drive
Building C
Bethlehem, PA 18015

Olivia, Uncategorized

Tabletop Miniatures- Lori Nix

Lori Nix, “Galapagos Turtle” 2009.

I really enjoyed this photograph by Lori Nix due to its successful use of the principles of tabletop photography. This means that Lori Nix placed these objects on a table and photographed them. I find these types of miniature tabletop photography to be extraordinary. I am always so surprised as to how realistic the objects are in the image. In this particular example, we see a frame like object in the center which encloses a habitat for Galapagos turtles. From this, we can assume that the photograph is trying to represent a zoo or museum of animals in which they are enclosed in a chamber that can be seen through a glass window. I love this element of the photograph because it adds a whole new environment and image to the already existing image. We see three turtles caught in movement around their habitat that has large rocks, plants and dirt. As we look at the foreground of the photograph, we see various objects. To the left is a floor cleaner leaning up against the wall of the habitat. To the right, we see a small ladder chair with some paper and other objects on it and around it. From this we can assume that the workers of the “animal museum” are cleaning the surrounding environment. Even these objects look just as realistic as the habitat above it, which adds to the high quality of the photograph. I especially like the composition of the photograph and how the framed window of the turtles is symmetrical and geometrically aesthetically pleasing. The contrast of the black and white colors makes the image more dramatic and realistic. The fact that this image holds two images in one using miniature objects to depict a realistic situation is very inspiriting. I like how at first glance, it seems to be just a simple photograph of a museum seen looking straight on. But then, the viewer gets pulled into the small habitat of the Galapagos turtles through the window frame which creates a strong and powerful photograph.

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